
Along the coastline of Norway you will find small farms that hold on to what the short summer gives. The animals must be tough to handle the mountains and the varieted nature gives them the natural medicine they need.

Holemark Farm in Håkøybotn

Holemark Farm is a small sheep farm, and there are also one icelandic horse, one moose dog, two border collies for herding and a pack of white Italians and Plymouth Rock hens. The farmers, Asbjørn and Sylvi are running the farm together with the rest of the family. Keeping the farm running feels like a mission. There is something special about producing food and working with the nature, and it fills us with joy to show people the value of it. Often, there is only peace and quiet out in the nature one need to feel completed, fresh air and the scent of the season.

We love the wilderness and we often go fishing and hunting, skiing or just simply walk up in the valleys and mountains, making fire and a cup of coffee.

Our family history in Håkøybotn goes back to 1869. The farm is run by the third generation of Holemarkings.
